Wow, is June over with already? It felt like it would never get here. Like I was never going to go on my much anticipated, 1st vacation in I don't know how long. And now, it has been almost a month since we went. Wow.
Upon a recommendation from a colleague, we set our sail for Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. I'd never heard of the place, at least that I could remember. But the more I talked to others about it, and researched it on the internet, the more it seemed like the perfect family vacation spot. It was. There was a lot to do, a lot to see, so much so that we have plenty to keep us busy should this be our vacation destination next year.
The first day, we decided to take the kids to the dinosaur museum, which contains life-sized replicas. McKayla loves books, and two of her favorites are, If the Dinosaurs Came Back and How Does a Dinosaur Eat Its Food? She did enjoy the museum, however I don't think she had any idea how big the dinosaurs really were. Boy am I glad that we don't live in the era of dinosaurs! Yikes! Too many teeth and claws! Here is McKayla with Dustin standing in front of T. Rex.
After the dinosaur museum we went to the Rainforest Adventure Zoo. Right as we got there, a tour bus arrived. We were told that we could join the tour bus for a demonstration that is only done for large groups. The show was really great. The zookeeper had many animals that he talked about and brought several out for folks to pet. McKayla was brave and petted a Moluccan Cockatoo, an aligator (which she said was "cute", as a matter of fact, all baby animals whether they had fur or scales she would say, "awww they're cute!"), a hedgehog and a tarantula. Yep, you read right, she held the tarantula! Here she is pointing at a turtle
Landon, too, enjoyed looking at the animals that were on stroller level.
McKayla got a big kick out of the snake sleeping in the pot.
Landon, well, he was a little skeptical. First, Dustin sat him on the horse by himself. You can see he quickly turned to Dustin to pick him up.

Dustin hopped on back, hoping this would settle Landon down a little.
Dustin hopped on back, hoping this would settle Landon down a little.
Landon was finally okay with everything when he could ride facing Dustin.
Well, that was our first full day in Pigeon Forge. I'll post more, but I need to go to bed right now.