Dear Landon,
It is unbelievable to me that you are now one - year - old. The year has flown by, and like your sister, you have brought so much wonder, amazement and tremendous joy to our family.
The moment I first saw you, my thought was, "WOW! You looked just like McKayla when she was a baby". Actually, it is amazing the similarities between you and her. The expression on your faces; the way you tap on things with your thumb ,hand spread wide open; how you both said “dada” early on; your laugh. A not quite so fun similarity is that both of you spent your first year with never-ending congestion that left us trying all we could to clear you up. And alas, you both missed out on your father’s eagle eye vision. But...that's about all of your father's attributes that you missed out on!
Landon, your dad and I cherish and adore who you are, as you are. You are our creation and you are absolutely perfect in every way, even down to that extra little chromosome. When we learned you had Down syndrome, we didn’t cry, we weren’t upset, we just thought, “okay, what does this mean for Landon?” We knew that your future was as uncertain, but as open as it was for McKayla. We knew that you would face struggles and triumphs just like her, though they may be different ones. We believe that you will accomplish all you choose to do as we know she will. And we’ll be there to do all we can, and help in any way possible, so that you both will aspire to your dreams.
You have already been a tremendous teacher, and have opened so many doors that your dad and I never knew existed. We definitely view the world in a different way and appreciate the intricacies of life we would have never previously though twice about. We have met many new friends who have provided wonderful insight and support and we have marveled at the acceptance and love bestowed upon you from our dear family, friends and acquaintances.
Landon, we feel so immensely blessed and honored that you are our son. Happy First Birthday, my beautiful baby boy.
Mommy & Daddy
This is mommy and you just 2 weeks before you were born.

This is you just hours after you were born. See how much you looked like McKayla!

You looked so tiny in your daddy's arms.

McKayla adored you from the moment she first met you. She loves to help take care of you.
This is you at 2 months old and one of the rare pictures of you and mommy.
Here you are at 3 months, offering one of your rare, yet beautiful smiles.
4 months old and I managed to capture that smile again!
5 months old - look at you standing with Daddy!
6 months old - here you are with silly Mommy wearing McKayla's balloon butterfly hat!
7 months old and you are working on pushing up!
8 months old and McKayla loves for you to sit with her so she can read to you.
9 months old and this was your first Thanksgiving!
10 months old for your first Christmas. You love playing (and eating) the tissue paper!
11 months old - you love bathtime in the sink. You make such a mess splashing!
And here is the 1 year old.

Happy 1st Birthday, baby! We love you!